Monday, July 23, 2012

Must find carbs

Yup bowl of turkey. Left overs. I need to find a carb though. My
morning workout has wiped me out.
I managed to pull 405 for a rep on the deadlift. My grip has been for
shit lately and slipped right at the lockout point. I think the gyms
homemade wood deadlift platform area now has a dent. Whoops.

Get real equipment guys!

I think I'm going to breakdown and have some Cheerios. Will throw in
a bike ride or DDR to make up for it tonight

Thursday, July 19, 2012


Fish tacos! Though I'm not eating the tortillas. Have to watch out for
those refined carbohydrates. Whole foods please!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Messed up

Forgot to oil the pan and ruined my basted eggs. Too much workout
this morning or too much heat has wrecked my brain apparently.

Friday, July 13, 2012


Healthy dinner though the 20 ounces of Lemonade and the cane sugar in
it are an unhealthy choice. Two workouts today so I am not going to
worry about it .

Watermelon on youtube

A friend who actually read my blog commented on all the watermelon in recent posts. I did have it for breakfast with some awesome scrambly eggs, which was undocumented. Man jarlesburg cheese is freaking amazing as a egg complement.

Also, I spelled scrambly phonetically as my inner clique says it. It's silly but makes me smile so there.

Lunch with shrimp

Left overs! Shrimp avocado bean salad. Perfect after a day at the beach.

Kingston point isn't that bad. Though I miss waves !

I wonder what's for dinner. The cross fit workout I struggled
through kicked my ass.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Shrimp burritos

Well this is the left overs as I've already eaten my shrimp with a
fair bit of side dishes. It was delicious.

The grill however was insanely hot. Or maybe it was being on the deck.
Either way thankfully the ac is working .

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Poor man's German dinner

Adams fair acre farms natural hot dogs, trader joes garlic aioli
mustard and sour kraut.

I did at least fire up the big green egg to grill the dogs. Not bad.

Not Watermelon

I've moved to a new fruit. Also chicken with homemade Greek sauce. And
of course coffee .


I've been on a serious basted egg kick these days. And I have been
trying to have fruit or vegetables with breakfast. Watermelon counts
as fruit right ?

My morning pot of coffee is brewing and I have a gallon of water ready
to drink by my desk. Let's hope for a productive morning !

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Dinner Alone

Water Mellon, left over grilled chicken in wango tango sauce and more
cherry mead.

True story I hate watermelon up until i was traveling for work and got
food poisoning. After a night trip to the ER and IV fluids I was quite
late to the customer the next day.

The manager there felt bad for how awful I looked and have me his
fruit salad from his lunch. The watermelon was the only thing I could

Now I love the stuff. Silver lining !

Monday, July 9, 2012

Cherry mead

Tonight I opened another of the home made cherry meads my friend and
coworker home brewed for me. It's from some organic local honey from
the health food store.

Surprisingly it has some fizz to it. Has a mild yeast flavor, but is
quite mild. Very little cherry flavor which is good for me since I am
not a huge cherry fan.

Reminds me of a story my grandmother told over dinner once. She was
making a cherry pie and decided to sample some of the fruit.

After eating a cherry she gasped and said "what is wrong with these
cherries they taste awful!"

The she realized that all the cherries she had lately were from her
nightly manhattans.

Yes that's right my grandmother is so bad ass that only cherries
soaked in booze taste correct to her.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

What the Title Means

I used to travel a lot for work. I used to get lots of jokes about all my pictures on Facebook being about food and not about my family or son. Sometimes it was about coffee.

This is a blog about food I eat. Meals I've  had either while traveling or while at home or wherever. It's an experiment to see if documenting my food changes my eating habits. It's also something simple and quick to do from a phone. We shall see what happens!

It's not a blog about skateboarding. Grindage is slang for food. What I ate was already taken.